Friday, December 27, 2019

Map Skills Thematic Unit Plan for First Grade

The theme of this unit is map skills. This series of lessons will address cardinal directions, how to use different features of maps, and show students how to make their own maps. The following comprehensive unit includes objectives, instructional steps, activities, and assessments. You only need to prepare the materials. Use these five engaging lessons to teach your first graders everything they need to know about maps. Cardinal Directions Time: 30 minutes Objectives Following this lesson, students will be able to: Identify the cardinal directions.Explain how directions are used. Materials Blank KWL chartReal examples of mapsCompass and compass roseGlobe (optional)North, South, East, and West cards placed on the correct walls (keep these up for the entire unit!)Student journals Key Terms Cardinal directionsCompass Lesson Introduction Ask students what they know about maps including how they are used, where they might be found, and what they have on them. Call students up to write their answers to these on a KWL chart as well as fill in what they do not know and what they want to know. Then, show students several real examples of maps. Instruction Explain that you will be starting a unit on maps. We will start by talking about cardinal directions. This is the name for the group of directions that include north, south, east, and west. Show students a compass (use a document camera if you have one).Have a student come up and point out where north, south, east, and west are on the compass rose. Introduce this tool as a compass. Note that the directions are often abbreviated. Show a compass rose and explain that this is what a compass looks like on paper.Can anyone think of why we might need these four directions? Explain that they help people to know where they are in the world.They can be used to help anyone know where they are going no matter where they are. Directions help us get anywhere we need to go.Even sailors in the middle of the ocean can find their way using directions. Turn and tell your neighbor another type of person that might need to use directions, (e.g. truck drivers, parents, pilots).Compasses always point nort h toward the top of the world. If using a globe, show students the top of the world. They use magnets in the Earth to tell which way is north. When you know where North is, you can always find the other directions.Pair students up. Activity Point out the cardinal directions around the room. Ask students to use their bodies to point toward each one as you say it.Explain to students that they will take turns directing their partner toward an object around the room using cardinal directions. Parter 1 will be whichever students name comes first alphabetically. Partner 1 needs to select an object without telling their partner what it is.Tell students that they should choose objects that are against the four walls (intercardinal directions will not be addressed in this unit).Students should direct their partners toward their chosen objects using step numbers and directions. Example: Take four small steps east.Do this until both students reach the object, then switch.Have students spin around a few times before starting so theyre not just walking in a straight line.Allow approximately 10 minutes for this activity, five minutes per student. Differentiation Have students tell their partners the object they chose and work together to create directions to reach it. Assessment Have students sit at their desks. Instruct them to each label the cardinal directions around the outside of their paper (in their journals) then draw an object that is north of their position. Mapping a Route Time: 25 minutes Objectives Following this lesson, students will be able to: Use cardinal directions to map a route from one place to another. Materials A very basic map of your school with cardinal directions, your class, the cafeteria, and specials classes labeled for each studentColored pencils or crayonsPrinted maps from your school to a nearby local landmark such as a park or grocery store for each student—circle school and landmark Key Terms Map Lesson Introduction Have students play Simon Says using cardinal directions (e.g. Simon says to take three steps west.) to refresh their memory. Take your class on a short trip through the school. Point out all specials classes and the cafeteria. Instruction Does anyone remember what we learned in our last lesson about how cardinal directions can be used?Answer: Directions help us get anywhere we need to go. Have students repeat this to the person next to them and tell a time they or someone they know used directions to get where they needed to go.Define a map as a drawing of an area that shows where important things are. The area a map shows can be very large like the Earth or small like our classroom. Ask students for examples of maps in their lives.To the tune of Bingo: A map will show us where to go if we follow its directions. North, south, east, and west. North, south, east, and west. North, south, east, and west—these are cardinal directions. Activity Pass out coloring utensils. Students will need a different color for every special plus one for the cafeteria.Have students come up and help you map the routes to each special and the cafeteria. Differentiation To make the following assessment more accessible, ask students to use arrows of a certain color for each cardinal direction to show direction on the map instead of letters. Assessment Pass out the map you have printed from the school to a local landmark. Have students first draw a compass rose somewhere on the map then draw the route from the school to the landmark. Students should label each turn with its direction (e.g. An E when traveling east). This can be completed as homework or in-class practice. Map Keys Time: 30-40 minutes Objectives Following this lesson, students will be able to: Explain the purpose of a map key. Materials Franklin Is Lost by Paulette Bourgeois—digital version available to borrow through Internet Archive Digital Library (create a free account to use)A roughly drawn sketch of your school playground with nothing labeledExample of a map with a map keyStudent journals Key Terms Map key Lesson Introduction Read Franklin Is Lost before starting this lesson, perhaps as a Morning Meeting activity. Instruction Discuss why Franklin got lost while playing hide-and-seek. What have we been learning about that wouldve helped Franklin find his way? Do you think that we could make a map for Franklin so that he doesnt get lost again?Explain to students that maps are useful for finding which way to go but it isnt always easy to tell what images on a map are supposed to represent. Show students your unlabeled sketch of the playground.What could I add to this map to make it easier to understand? Explain that a map key, which uses symbols and colors to tell what a place or object is, would help.Show students a map with a key and demonstrate how to use it.Sing the map song from Mapping a Route lesson. Activity Draw a map of the classroom while students watch. Label the door, whiteboard, your desk, etc. on a map key. Use colors and symbols.Work with students to identify important objects and places that Franklin encountered in the book.Turn and tell the person next to you one important place or object Franklin saw.What place should we label extra clearly for Franklin? Students should say the woods because he was specifically told not to go there.As a class, draw a map for Franklin that only includes the path from Franklins house to Bears house. Do not draw a key.Have students work with a partner to make their own maps for Franklin that include Franklins house, Bears house, the woods, the bridge, and the berry patch—with a path going through each of them—in their journals (they may discuss with partners but must produce their own maps).Tell them to clearly label each place or object in a map key (e.g. Use a small tree symbol to represent the forest).They can use your already-st arted map for reference and duplicate what youve done. Assessment Have students add one more feature to their maps and label it in their map keys. This can be another character, object, or place that was mentioned such as Bear, the water under the bridge, or the logs and bushes in the woods. Making Map Books Time: Two 30-minute periods Objectives Following this lesson, students will be able to: Teach others about map skills. Materials Several sheets of blank paper for each studentSeveral examples of real maps (can be the same ones students already saw in first lesson)Coloring utensilsChecklists for books with sentence stems (see details in Lesson Introduction)A completed book exampleRubric for Assessment Key Terms Map skills Lesson Introduction Look through map examples with your students. Call a few up to identify important features. Explain to students that they now have great map skills because they know what goes in maps and how to read them. Map skills make it possible to use maps. Decide beforehand (this is what you will include on checklists): How much writing vs. drawing/diagramming you want to require of your students.What features students must include in their map books (options might be an explanation of cardinal directions, what a compass is and what it does, how to plan a route using a map, how to use a map key, etc.).Note: You will need to prepare sentence stems for these that students will complete and write in their books. E.g. The four cardinal directions are _____.How many pages will be in the books.How much time students will have to complete these. Instruction Ask students why maps are so important. Maps use directions to help us get anywhere we need to go. What would it be like trying to get around without maps?What would it be like to not know how to use maps or not have map skills? Turn and tell the person next to you why it would be difficult to not have map skills.Tell students that they will be making books to teach others map skills. Activity Provide each student with a checklist that tells what they will need to include in their book (these are the features you will be checking for when assessing their work).Show students your completed example. Demonstrate how to use the checklist to make sure all important parts are included.Allow students as much time as you have scheduled for this activity. Differentiation Provide additional graphic organizers for planning the books. Give some students options for what to put in the blanks you have provided. For example, The four cardinal directions are _____ North/South/East/West or Up/Down/Left/Right. Assessment Use a rubric to assess student work. Check whether they have included every important feature and for the accuracy/delivery of each. Treasure Hunt Time: 25 minutes Objectives Following this lesson, students will be able to: Effectively use a map. Materials Five treasure boxes or items for students to findFive maps, one for each treasure box, with all map features students have learned (cardinal directions, compass rose, map key, etc.)Copy these so that each student has their own Lesson Introduction Hide the treasure in the classroom while the students are gone, as spread out as possible. Review the map song with students and remind them what they have learned in each lesson so far. Tell students that they are going to put all of their map skills to the test. Divide them into five groups. Instruction and Activity Explain to students that you have hidden treasure around the room and the only way to find it is to use everything they know about maps.Give each student their own map. There should be five separate maps but group members must have the same one.Give students approximately 15 minutes to work together to find their treasure.Once every group has found their treasure, gather the class to talk about the activity on the carpet. Add to the KWL chart you started in the first lesson and allow a few students to show the class their map skills books. Differentiation Provide students with step-by-step directions for locating the treasure in addition to the maps. These should be straightforward and visual. Assessment Have students write a sentence or two explaining how they used the map to find the treasure in their journals. What was the first thing they did? What map feature was most helpful?

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Future of File Sharing Essay - 2509 Words

According to recent research, 61% of people ages 14-24 illegally download copyrighted music (Van Der Sar, Aug. 2009). Known as â€Å"file sharing,† the process of making digital files available over the internet is a habit among many people of all ages. Since Napster, the first file sharing program, came out in 1999, the prevalence of file sharing steadily increased. According to Koleman Strumpf, by 2006, 60% of all internet traffic was due to file sharing, up from less than 10% in 1999 (Pries 1). The rapid growth of file sharing can be attributed to several factors, one of which is the general social acceptance of downloading music without paying for it (Grassmuck 1). Not everyone supports file sharing, however. The Recording Industry†¦show more content†¦Copying was free and unlimited. In order to take advantage of this new technology, a company called Napster came into existence (Taintor). Napster, the first centralized way for computer users to share music , started its business in 1999. Two years later, the company lost a lawsuit, and had to pay millions of dollars in damages (Taintor). This legal setback did not stop the spread of file sharing; if anything, it caused a large increase in the number of options people had to share their music (Taintor). To fill the hole left by Napster, several new file sharing applications emerged. The new applications used technology called â€Å"peer-to-peer,† which enabled users to share their files amongst one-another, rather than from a centralized server. This change in the way the applications worked allowed them protection from the legal woes that plagued Napster. Since then, content owners and publishers have taken to suing individuals to combat file sharing (Kravets). They argue that mass lawsuits are the only way to protect their artists, the music industry, and music itself from the evils of peer-to-peer file sharing. People cite many reasons for using file sharing services. One reason is to discover new music. While the radio provides some access to music listeners might not have heard, some music fans want to be able to explore on their own. These people want to know what they are buying before they pay for it.Show MoreRelatedFile Sharing Should Not Be Illegal1611 Words   |  7 Pagespast; one of the most controversial uses of technology is file sharing. File sharing is the exchange of files over computer networks. These files include all types of media, software, and books. While some file sharing is legal, there are illegal downloads of copyrighted property widely available; there are intense debates about the level of protection of intellectual properties that should be used for these files. The increase of sharing copyrighted media over the internet has led to many lawsuitsRead MoreEssay about The Future of P2P Technology and Music697 Words   |  3 PagesThe Future of P2P Technology and Music Since 1999, the situation around music has been changed drastically. In that year, the novel software â€Å"Napster† was released. With this software, people became able to get any file they want easily, sometimes illegally. Some musicians and people in the entertainment industry have tried to exterminate that P2P â€Å"Peer to Peer† technology. But it looks as if their efforts are in vain. People are going to use P2P technology more and it might as well become theRead MoreEssay on Music Copyright Infringement1224 Words   |  5 Pagesusers to compress and send music files easily over the Internet. The major problem with this music sharing is that most of the files are pirated, which has caused a stir in the music industry. Music companies and music artists have been complaining about how their music is being stolen and therefore lowering their album sales. The major blame has been put on Napster and other file sharing software available on the Internet. Napster was a music sharing software that was shut down becauseRead MoreFile Sharing And Its Effect On The Music Industry1433 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction File sharing technology has evolved at a fast rate (Oberholzer†Gee Strumpf, 2010). At this point in time, this world is hit by a new innovation very often. File-sharing relies on computers forming networks to transfer data from one system to another system on the network (Oberholzer†Gee Strumpf, 2010). It allows the users to search and download the content made available by each user connected to the network (Oberholzer-Gee Strumpf, 2010). File-sharing of unauthorized music beganRead MoreThe Pirate Bay Case Study1586 Words   |  7 PagesThe Pirate Bay Case Study: Social and Legal Issues Raised by File-Sharing Networks Abstract This paper explores the social and legal issues raised by Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file-sharing of copyrighted material on websites. Advocates claim companies are not libel for the acts of its customers and argue that litigation against file sharing will stifle technology innovation. Opponents assert that file sharing violates copyright and intellectual property protections and that companies like Pirate BayRead MoreFile Sharing and Online Piracy: How Does it Effect Copyrights? Is it Ethical?1535 Words   |  7 PagesCyrus to Nirvana, you have every type of music you could possibly imagine. Worst of all, you don’t even listen to a tenth of it! You’ve collected all this media for an outrageous price too: Absolutely Nothing. After 2 and half years of constant file sharing through Limewire, Frostwire, and Vuze, You’ve easily transcended beyond a four or five thousand dollar threshold of Pirated Media. In the end though, your actions do come with a cost. When the federal government discovers your malicious activityRead MoreThe Freeloaders, by Megan McArdle: Article Analysis on Illegal Music Download1035 Words   |  5 Pagesallowed or not? The article entitled â€Å"The Freeloaders,† written by Megan McArdle, is based on the issue that many people are sharing and downloading music files for free, and that many people accept this behavior. It is also based on how the music file-sharing is affecting the success of music industry negatively. While McArdle is persuasive when she claims that music file-sharing is not benefiting the music industry and the entertainment industry financially, I also see that there is a lack of solidRead MorePeer Vs. Simplified As P2p849 Words   |  4 Pagesway to share to share a variety of files. Some examples include music, movies, games, and documents. Essentially, with a P2P model, each user is also a server. Users can download data being shared on their peer’s servers, and in turn share the data the y downloaded with other users as well (makeuseof). So in more practical terms, P2P sharing gives the users total control over what is uploaded and downloaded in a P2P network. It’s the Wild West of file sharing. It has lawful and legitimate uses—suchRead MoreEssay on The Cost of Illegal Downloading 1651 Words   |  7 PagesAt the end of the 20th century, file sharing and illegal downloading through Napster were the biggest hits among audiences everywhere. Because of this, many people started to believe that the music industry was failing due to declining CD sales. Although a valid statement, the music industry is not failing; instead, it is changing in many aspects due to file sharing and illegal downloading. Music is always evolving in new and innovative ways, regardless of the minor comeback vinyl records haveRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Illegal File Sharing1571 Words   |  7 PagesBhattacharjee, S et al. (2006: 92) evidently reported the situation of illegal file sharing in 2003 and suggested the method to discard the problem that: In response to this â€Å"epidemic of illegal file sharing† (RIAA 2003a), on June 26, 2003, RIAA redirected legal threats toward individual subscribers of these networks who, in the past, enjoyed anonymity in P2P environments. Prior to RIAA’s recent legal efforts, individual file sharers were almost completely immune from legal liability when violating copyright

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Poignantly Punk Essay Example For Students

Poignantly Punk Essay Marissa McConnell9/11/98ENG 105The teen years are when you question your identity and as a reflex action you rebel against authority. You can rebel as a rapper, a heavy metal headbanger, a punk, a surfer the usual menu of approved teen rebellions most often explored. It is within these years that the world seems turned against you and you need to find some way to react and cope with all the confusion; to try to find a way to make sense of all the craziness. I guess I identified with the punk perspective, if you could call it that, and found my own little place within the subculture, although not as extreme as others, still a place. Yet now, looking back, I remember a time when I enjoyed being angry at the world, because at least I knew I felt something; something I thought I could define. And I reacted, by doing what I wanted to do. You start out slow, go to a few shows, feel as though you belong to the elite little community. Eventually your hair turns blue (or at least mine did), then it gets cut to about two inch spikes, and eventually a hole gets poked through your tongue to make room for a 14 gauge barbell. Life is short, so do the things you want to do while you still can. Be irresponsible before society really makes you conform to its rules. All of these things went through my mind. Then my hair turns black (everyone has to get a job eventually), it slowly starts to grow out, but the barbell stays. When you pay good money for something, it is hard to part with. Looking back I dont regret any part of it. I had fun, and I still do. Some of the attitudes I still identify with, and the music is still my favorite, but I dont consider it as much of a lifestyle. I havent changed much since then, and Id love to be able to pierce whatever I want with no worries; self-expression fueled by the latest fads. Conforming to sounds so pointless, but why is it so popular? Some say that punk is dead. Yet an impact on society has definitely been made, liv es changed, ideals affected, fashion trends set, and an entire subculture formed. Most punks agree that Punk is an expression of rebellion, and has been around for well over 25 years now. Yet still nobody can agree on what it is. Is it a style of music? An attitude? A frame of reference, political system, or spiritual philosophy, or just a trendy way to dress and act. Punk could very well be one, some, or all of the above. That is what makes it indescribable. Punk is defined by each person as they experience it. And no one can define punk beyond their own interpretation, because punk, like art really is whatever you think it is. One question though, is what attracts people to punk?One person who feels he knows what that may be is Richard Mauro. Richard designs punk furniture using recycled materials; creating pieces he hopes people will take notice of. One of these pieces is a chaise made out of an old army blanket covered with one thousand number three safety pins. Mr. Mauro believes that, people are bored with themselves, with the news, and everything feels blan d and redundant. Thats one reason: We need something to get us going. And the others that theres been this duality for so long which the kids are seeing through, because they are fed us with it. The duality between public politeness and the kinds of rude profanities you use in private, for example. Let me bring all that violence out instead of hiding it. Thats the kind of things the kids are saying to themselves, and the press is helping them to bring it out because it needs sensationalism. So punk is a way of attacking hypocrisy, really (Selzer 72). From another point of view, John Rockwell of the New York Times feels that punk is, a symbol of the restless energies of a youthful subculture that found industrialized bourgeois society hypocritical and stale (Selzer 110). They agree, in speaking out against hypocrisy, but how innovative is that? Yet why would hypocrisy be condoned by any social group?There is something else about punk music that defines it, and brings kids together. A n attitude and an ideal. More than a fashion statement or a hole in your face are the ideas behind them. From its start, seventies punk was about nihilism and anarchy and self-destruction; it raised a firm middle finger at everyone and everything (Szabo 57). This attitude is still present today within the angry teens still looking for something to fight and something to be. Punk is about personal involvement. Yeah, fuck the system because the system is everything outside of you. Punk is about raging individualism, its about doing something for yourself (Arnold 66). The do-it-yourself attitude (D.I.Y.) recognized as a part of the history within the punk subculture embodies the belief that there was little hope for the future. The motivation is emailprotected*k You! I cant be in your clique or your club, or whatever, Ill just start my own! Which seems to be the initial feel to it. Kids and people are always going to feel that way. If you want something, you better find some way to get it for yourself because the system is against you. As punk arose in England during 1976 in the midst of a recession that appeared to most English youth amidst the failure of the British socio-economic system found a voice filled with angst that seemed to understand. Theres no future, the Sex Pistols Johnny Rotten sang in early 1976. Many who called themselves punk saw no hope in the future as they reacted against the perceived failures of their elders and pessimistically viewed the future. The Pistols sparked the punk movement, but their quick demise enabled another English band to become a leader of the fragmented movement and move punk ideology beyond the Pistols anarchic rage and despair to one that hoped the future is unwritten (Bindas 69). Economic failure provided the fuel for punk, because many came from the, working class, scornful of the scant material rewards of welfare-capitalism (Bindas 70). Bands like the Clash and the Sex Pistols emerged at the very birth of punk music. A NIGHT OF TREASON, promised a poster for a concert by the Clash in London in 1976, and that might have summed it up: a new music, called punk for lack of anything better, as treason against superstar music you were supposed to love but which you could only view from a distance; against the future society had planned for you; against your own impulse to say yes, to buy whatever others had put on the market, never wondering why what you really wanted was not on sale at all (Marcus 2). Punk was a new music, a new social critique, but most of all it was a new kind of free speech. There was an absolute denial of self-censorship in the Sex Pistols songs that gave people who heard them permission to speak as freely. If an ugly, hunched-over twenty-year-old could stand up, name himself an antichrist, and make you wonder if it wasnt true, then anything was possible (Marcus 3). By the time the mainstream had dec lared the death of punk in 1979, or 1980, or then again in 1981, etc., the influence of punk along with the do-it-yourself ethic had spread all over the world. Independent labels were created by the dozens throughout Europe, North America, Australia, and a few countries in Africa. Especially around urban areas, independent fanzines could be found with music critique of all the newly formed bands and their demos, interviews, comics, Xerox art, poetry, fiction, news, investigative reporting, political agendas and more. It was a renaissance for those who were stranded from or chose to avoid the elitist upper-class artists and intellectuals who communicated only with their peers in art and academic journals, and the commercial culture targeted for everyone else who presumably did not deserve to have a voice. Observation 500 EssayMusic, reaching a wide spread audience can have rather unexpected effects. Robert Prechter is the author of The Elliot Wave Theorist, a newsletter that claims the market reflects mass psychology and that moods go from good to bad in waves. Prechters fame grew in the 1970s when he recommended buying stocks, partly because of an anguished song by the punk-rock group the Sex Pistols. He reasoned that the songs gloom indicated a low point in the public mood and meant an emotional and market improvement would follow. A few months later the market lifted (Marcus 1). You have to wonder just what Sex Pistols song it was that ultimately led to the erasure of the ninety points off the Dow Jones average or that, after biding its time for a decade or more, finally wreaked its revenge on the paper boom of the go-go 80s. Was it the Sex Pistols first single, the November 1076 Anarchy in the U.K., where Johnny Rotten led off with the strange announcement, I am an antichrist, and for a few minutes made it seem as if the rage issuing from his mouth could level London? Was it their next record, the May 1977 God Save the Queen, with its sneering final chant of NO FUTURE NO FUTURE NO FUTURE? Or did one fan hear, from inside the storm of that song, the Sex Pistols hardest prophecy of the end of the world, and take it as a sign that nothing worse would be forthcoming, form anywhere? (Marcus 2). From another economic standpoint, suddenly industry sees big possibilities for mass consumption of the bands who once thrived (or starved) in the underground subcultures. Yet most hesitate when bombarded by the big bucks, because theyre usually associated with big draw backs. Drawing from a Reel Big Fish song, Radio plays what they want you to hear, tell me its cool, I just dont believe it! Sell out with me oh yeah, sell out, with me tonight, the record companys gonna give me lots of money and everything is gonna be all right! (Reel Big Fish). Slightly ironic since they signed with Mojo records. Mojo is not that bad, at least it is not a huge company like MCA or A M, yet usually punk and ska bands tend to start out on independent labels and most stay. Take Epitaph for example, a indie label started around 1998/1989, home to NOFX and many other successful punk bands. Even though NOFX has their own independent label, Fat Wreck Chords they still do one album deals with Epitaph. There is a certain loyalty between them. Also Nitro Records, the label trying to control the Vandals, started by the Offsprings Brian Holland. Then the Vandals have their own label, Kung-Fu records, who started off Assorted Jelly Beans, the Ataris, and MFATGG (Me First and the Gimme Gimmes). Is a trend noticeable? Everyone seems to feel the need to start their own label once they become successful. It is now their turn to foster the new and upcoming punk bands and steer them clear of the corporate monsters. The major labels have just become embarrassing. We have major labels calling us, begging us to put their shitty bands that theyre calling punk on the third slot on our shitty tours. Thats how desperate theyve become, says Escalante of the Vandals. You see, The Vandals say no no tank you, because were polite we appreciate the pathetic situation youre in now that you think punk is going to make you money, but no thank you! Then where do you go? You go to the next better band, because the yre going to say no too. You have to go to the next worse band, thats whats happening. They just dont get it, says Fitzgerald (Tones of Home 1). It is obvious that punk is not for everyone, but it is too old to die young and theres enough people around to support it. You dont have to have a set of unique qualities to be punk. There is more to being punk than following the path of the gutterpunks and being continuously drunk and disorderly. One of the great virtues of the musical experience is that it produces a mode of behavior in which every member of a collective audience is suddenly alone with whatever emotion it arouses in him (Silbermann 190). Although most probably go unnoticed, the effects of punk music on our society are too widespread for it to disappear. From the fashion to the purely business aspects. Subcultures dont go away, especially if theyre relevant. There were great bands that existed and more to come. As long as the records are made the rest will take care of itself. Punks not dead, its just restinghiding its light underneath a bushel, gathering strength in foreign climes. Its flames are still burning some where, despite anything anyone has to say. Punk rock is Phoenician, it will rise, like the soul, on the stepping-stones of its former self. The death of punk? What a crock of shit. Punk is like youth: it will always spring eternalfor life everlasting, amen (Arnold 205). Works CitedArnold, Gina. Kiss This: Punk in the Present Tense. New York: St. Martins Griffin, 1997. Bindas, Kenneth J. The Future is Unwritten: The Clash, Punk and America, 1977-1982. American Studies 34 (Spring/Fall 1993) : 69-89. Gracyk, Theodore. Rhythm and Noise: An Aesthetics of Rock. USA: Duke University Press, 1996Green, Stuart. Interview with The Vandals. Exclaim Magazine. (21 February 1998.)Marcus, Greil. Ranters Crowd Pleasers: Punk in Pop Music 1977-92. New York: Doubleday, 1993. Nelson, Chris. Music News of the World (Hi-Fi). Addicted to Noise. (23 February 1998)Reel Big Fish. Turn the Radio Off. LP. Moho Records, 1996. Sajn, Gorazd. About NOFX. (23 February 1998)Selzer, Michael. Terrorist Chic: An Exploration of Violence in the Seventies. New York: Hawthorne Books, Inc., 1979. Silbermann, Alphons. The Sociology of Music. London: Routledge Kegan Paul, 1963. Siroto, Janet. Punk Rocks Again. Vogue September. 1993: 257-258. Szabo, Julia. Think Punk. Bazaar November. 1993: 57-58.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Causes of School Violence free essay sample

School violence is only a recent thing. Roughhousing among teenagers in high school has always been prevalent, however, its extreme forms such as taking out vendettas against students or teachers or bringing deadly weapons to school have only risen in existence in the past thirty years. Now some have placed the blame on the violent video games, television and bad music. The first notable high school shootings didnt happen until the asss (Centennial Secondary School, SST. Plus X High School), and its not likely that the video game Pong was turning these kids into inimical maniacs. As for the music, heavy metal and rap were only a vague concept In the early seventies, but they did not rise to large popularity until the mid-lighted. Television, well known during this time for being very violent (Gung If, Okay), it still seems unlikely as there were only two incidents in the asss. We will write a custom essay sample on The Causes of School Violence or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For those reasons, these early crimes could not have been linked to the choice of music one liked or their hobbies. In fact, one plausible cause of this might be found in the rise of mothers leaving the home and getting jobs.The neglect of caring for these teenagers Is what causes them to turn on society and become violent. Some of the indirect causes of school violence are music, video games and television. The reason why teens become engrossed in such things is only because of the attention or usually lack of attention from parents. Teachers and authority figures. Most school shootings have been traced back to forms of depression in the aggressors lives. Now sometimes the depression may be caused from other sources or Just a random occurrence during teen brain growth.Occasionally It Is directly from statement from parents or others; but it is the fault of parents inaction to treat the depression that leads to the shooting. A common trait with many of the shootings Is the mistake of the parents allowing guns to be in easy access or in some way encouraging the violence in teenagers. Now some parents do keep guns in their homes for protection, but these parents are the ones who, for whatever reason, are Irresponsible in the way they either lock up their guns or teach their children the proper way to use them.Irresponsibility is the paramount factor in the cause of school violence. When parents are ignorant to what happens to their kids at school or their behavior patterns, there Is no telling what could go wrong. Hopefully teachers will catch these signals and help the students. Nevertheless, teachers have also overlooked the problems. It Is fortunate to be in a school where there are decent teachers. Many are great at what they do, some are okay, and others are known to be lacking in ability. It seems that most teachers would be able to spot disturbances In a students life.Whatever spawns a teachers Ignorance, whether it Is heir bad training or a severe dislike of the student, part of the blame lies with them. If we had more of the good teachers who regardless of the student, treated them fairly and gave them the attention and love that they deserve, we might be able to spot these problems sooner rather than later. A solution to this problem may never happen, due to the fact that violence Is reduce the number of incidents we see today. First, the number of good teachers needs to increase in our schools. My suggestion would increase the number of years teacher needs to receive tenure.It is good for all; the better teachers are agonized and kept for their efforts while the bad teachers are rid of earlier. Once the teacher receives tenure, an immediate pay increase should be issued. A respectable pay increase would show that the teacher has proved his or her worth to the community. Second, clubs that promote non-violence should be in every school, as they help provide a friendly social atmosphere at school. Sadly, not much can be done at home, as that lies in the private world where schools do not have Jurisdiction apart from reporting abuse in the home.Since schools are where the incidents append, the people there have the best Judgment about what goes on between the potential shooter and the potential victims. Perhaps its the only place where the problem can be stopped. If the populace still believes that violent video games and music are the cause they need only to look at what they have done to stop it, which is nothing. After countless rumors that Grand Theft Auto: Vice City would be the last of the series due to increased school violence and some copyright issues, Grand Theft Auto: San Andrea, a new realistic and bloodier video game for teenagers to play hit store shelves.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What kind of event marketing might a wholesaler use to promote business Essay Example

What kind of event marketing might a wholesaler use to promote business? Essay A wholesaler can adopt a range of marketing tactics to promote its services. Event marketing is an especially useful idea to exploit market opportunity. Event marketing involves a list of activities that enhance brand visibility and brand identification for target consumers (in this case select retailers). Event marketing by wholesalers is usually a ‘push’ tactic, as awareness about products and services is brought to retailers, who in turn procure and promote it to end consumers. Wholesalers usually do not expend resources on promotion of their goods and services, yet, tactical event marketing can fetch impressive rewards. One of the key elements to successful event marketing is to offer customers an ‘experience’ of the product/service. This is done through live demonstrations, audio/visual presentations, distributing samples and offering free trials. Wholesalers could also regroup products (bulk-breaking) so as to provide quantity and assortment customers need. It also makes business sense to anticipate customers’ needs and buy goods in advance – although this involves an element of risk. By offering to carry products in their own inventories, wholesalers can reduce their customers’ inventory costs. And finally, wholesalers can successfully market by punctual delivery of goods/services and offering credit. We will write a custom essay sample on What kind of event marketing might a wholesaler use to promote business? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on What kind of event marketing might a wholesaler use to promote business? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on What kind of event marketing might a wholesaler use to promote business? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Similarly, by showcasing their expertise through the event marketing tactic, wholesalers can attract new producers. By offering to purchase producer’s output before it reaches the end consumer, the wholesaler can help reduce costs for the former. Hence event marketing is a potent tool that wholesalers can employ to attract new retailers as well as new producers. Paulo Friere’s article titled ‘Pedagogy of the Oppressed’ is provocative yet truthful in its observations. Contrary to comforting conventional views on mainstream education systems, Friere presents a new perspective on the subject. He views the teacher-pupil equations in these systems as rather oppressive, as it reinforces misconceptions about knowledge and expertise. More controversially, Friere demystifies the notion of the ‘omniscient’ teacher and his/her authority over the ‘ignorant’ pupil. In this ‘banking concept of education’ students are seen as â€Å"adaptable, manageable beings. The more students work at storing the deposits entrusted to them, the less they develop the critical consciousness which would result from their intervention in the world as transformers of that world.† (Friere, 1997, p.54) Under this system not only is there a supposed knowledge asymmetry between the teacher and the pupil, but t he former also holds professional authority that is not always grounded on merit. Moreover, this banking education minimizes or annuls the students’ creative energies so as to serve the interests of the oppressors, whose primary motive is not progress or critical inquiry. To the contrary, under the humanitarian veil of the educators lies their intention to perpetuate the status quo. Maxine Greene’s article titled Teaching for Social Justice is similar in tenor to that of Paulo Freire’s. The history of human societies is full of instances of the privileged few (the oppressors) dominating the majority rest through explicit and implicit means. Where brute force proved unviable, sophisticated indoctrination through education ensured domination. Further, â€Å"the privileged few were the ones with the opportunities to map and dominate the linguistic universe. The imbalance, the undeserved advantages in that domain as well as in the socioeconomic and political worlds is evidences of the most glaring social injustice.† (Greene, 1988 p.29) It is in this context that an educational system be devised, whose end is to ensure that each citizen is at the least entitled to develop and build his/her â€Å"intellectual, social, emotional, and expressive capacities†. (Greene, 1988, p.29) Consistent with the arguments made by Paulo Freire, Marine G reene too advocates a new way of looking at our educational institutions and their underlying motives. Contrary to what the system produces, she espouses Teaching for Social Justice. Here, teaching is to project â€Å"what we believe ought to be – not merely where moral frameworks are concerned, but in material arrangements for people in all spheres of society. Moreover, teaching for social justice is teaching for the sake of arousing the kinds of vivid, reflective, experiential responses that might move students to come together in serious efforts to understand what social justice actually means and what it might demand.† (Greene, 1988, p.30) Kliewer’s article focusing on the special needs of Down syndrome children is also of a similar vein to the other two articles. The author feels that current understanding of this health condition and schooling possibilities for children afflicted with it is quite limited. (Kliewer, 1988) And hence educators should be more open and inclusive of children of different capabilities as they draw up their curricula. In essence, there is much convergence in the content and thrust of the three articles as they express their concern about mainstream education today. After having read these three articles and based on my own educational experience in childhood, I am mostly in agreement with the views expressed by Freire, Greene and Kliewer. Formal education is something most children in our country have the privilege of attending. To its credit, the education system in the United States has extended literacy and math skills to several generations of students. As a result, the country overall has become more educated. The percentage of young adults passing high-school has increased steadily; and so has the number of graduates, post-graduates and doctoral students. Yet, when we look at what kind of products children turn out to be at the end of this process, the results are not satisfactory. When we look at how far formal education serves to ‘enlighten’ young minds, the answer is disappointing. When we look at young adults’ ability to make informed choices about what they consume or their ability to act as responsible citi zens of a democratic country, etc., we find plenty of inadequacies. These aspects of the education system make me uneasy. As opposed to imparting necessary cognitive tools for young people to think for themselves and act as they see merit, the present system indoctrinates them to become obedient automatons in the corporate world. This is reflected in the fact that student intake in disciplines under Humanities (including that of Education/Instructional Design courses) has decreased over the years and technical/vocational courses have become preferred choices due to lucrative career paths they offer.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Gentle Barbarian, Turgenev Essay Example

The Gentle Barbarian, Turgenev Essay Example The Gentle Barbarian, Turgenev Essay The Gentle Barbarian, Turgenev Essay In 1870s Turgenev was known in Europe as the conducting Russian novelist, but he was far to not be known to the large public in Europe or America. In 1877 he has become world famous after the publication of Virgin Soil, his longest and most ambitious novel. In one month after the publication, fifty-two young people were arrested in Russia on accusations of revolutionary conspiracy. This incident the public in America and France was shaken. Its effect on American readers was so enormous: as powerful, in its way, as the effect of Uncle Toms Cabin had been. For Turgenev the novel was one more attempt to present the Russian situation with detachment, and above all he sought to show to his critics that he had not lost touch with the younger generation.; (V. S. Pritchett). Some years ago the British writer and critic V.S. Pritchett asked: What is it that attracts us to the Russian novelists of the nineteenth century? What Pritchett was voicing was the obvious truth that the Russian writer s touch and move us with immediacy, a sense of freshness and vitality that we do not always find in Western literature in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Turgenev creates moving novels that depict life in Russia. We respond to Russian writers, as we typically do not to most Anglo-Saxon writers. Turgenev evokes such a strong a sense of reality that readers with no particular passion for literature accept without qualification his vision of life. Some tentative answers to Pritchetts question may provide us with some understanding of why so much of the pessimistic literature of this century has failed to engage our deepest sympathies, our most profound sense of life. One of the most obvious characteristics of Russian fiction in the nineteenth century is the astonishing way in which characters talk about themselves and others. In his book on Turgenev, The Gentle Barbarian, Pritchett writes: It is the nature of Dostoevskys genius to

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Summary and Critical Response Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary and Critical Response - Article Example According to the author, this independent nature is not awful but it reduces the overall qualitative development of the students by hindering their academic work. The students will not be able to conduct their study according to the academic schedule. Moreover, the students will not be eligible for a better job in future due to the part time job and lack of educational development. Thus, it is eminent from the article that the part time jobs at every instance affect the educational field of the students (Rokicka, 2014; Etzioni, n.d.). The author Amitai Etzioni has argued over the facts that the jobs at fast food organizations affect the quality of the students. The reason behind this is that the part time jobs do not provide any skilled training or any sort of career building opportunities. The author Etzioni has attempted to drag the attention of the working students and their guardians in order to demonstrate the drawbacks of part time jobs in such organizations. Moreover there are some other contradictory arguments, which reflect the importance of such part time jobs in these organizations. According to Wang, Kong, Shan & Vong (2010), the employees working in the restaurants acquire specific knowledge regarding preparation of food and maintenance of machines, and cash registers among others. This knowledge that the employees are attaining is of no use for them. However, Knuth (2011) contradictory argued that the learning of cash registers and operating these do not reflect any significant skill development. Mo reover, the learning of such aspects does not provide any better opportunity for them in building their career (Knuth, 2011). The contradictory arguments by Wang, Kong, Shan & Vong (2010) also suggests that the students working in part time jobs are of considerable number. The reason behind this is that the employees of part time jobs are

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Investment Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Investment Risk Management - Essay Example Laura and Rubia (2012) says that in a practical setting, typical risks faced by financial institutions include defaults on loans provided by the firm, losses on investment securities and failure of business undertakings on a supplementary party owing certain obligations to the affected party. In this case, it is acknowledgeable that financial companies face numerous risks in operations. Therefore, risk management involves developing appropriate measures to curb and minimize effects of these typical circumstances. Laura and Rubia (2012) says that after developing appropriate measures, risk management moves into implementing and procedures meant to facilitate the realization of pre-determined risk management goals. In contemporary business environments, the financial industry faces substantial effects from volatility in micro-economic elements. This means that, economic trends play a significant role in either boosting or inflating portfolio, and investment securities held by a given c ompany. This type of risk is largely inevitable, as micro-economic elements of a business environment depend on the specific region that a business organization operates. In an event that America undergoes high inflation rates and a negative economic growth, then the financial industries operating within the US will feel the pinch of inflation. In this regard, financial institutions experience unprecedented risks during turbulent economic times. According to Allen (2012), it is inherent to acknowledge the fact that turbulence within an economic environment causes financial uncertainty; which requires intervention from risk management practices. Financial volatility and associated risks became pronounced with adoption of electronic trading in security markets. In modern automated markets, threats from data and information theft features as one insecurity element facing the financial industry. Trends suggest that there is a potential risk of exposure to data breaches coupled with iden tity theft experienced by financial institutions. Allen (2012) agrees that despite risk trends suggesting an increase in security breaches, financial companies do not put enough measures to counteract data theft. In a practical sense, failure to address these risks presents huge risks and challenges to the financial industry. In order to evaluate the effect of negligence in financial risk management, we will appraise the case of Lehman Brothers. In September 2008, Lehman Brothers, which is one of the most prestigious participants in the Wall Street market, admitted having filed for bankrupts amid negotiations with potential buyers. According to Teather, Treanor, & Wearden (2008), Lehman Brothers postulated that the protection move aimed at safeguarding its assets. However, the collapse of the huge financial company was a result of the credit crunch coupled with profound effects from sub-prime crisis. Lehman was a victim of the credit crunch, which refers to a situation where lenders provided limited on no money to borrowers. In 2008, there was a significant economic recession across the world. As a result, lending financial institutions froze their money in order to minimize risks associated with the uncertain economy. According to Teather et al. (2008), Lehman Brothers could not borrow enough money to sustain its business operations; hence opted for a bankruptcy protection. Apart from

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Influence of Cigarette Smoking all Over the World Research Paper

The Influence of Cigarette Smoking all Over the World - Research Paper Example Cigarette smoking is the inhale of the smoke of burning tobacco encased. Informal smoking is the act of smoking only infrequently, generally in social circumstances or to alleviate tension. A number of health experts consider regular cigarette smoking as a psycho-addiction and having dangerous health effects. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has stated that cigarettes should be regarded as nicotine delivery devices. Nicotine, the vigorous element in tobacco, is intake into the lungs, where most of it remains. The remainder passes into the bloodstream, and reaches the brain in around 10 seconds and spread all over the body in just 20 seconds. The conditions and the amount of tobacco inhaled, nicotine can act as either refreshment or sedative. This can be described as some people describes that smoking gives them energy and motivates their mental activity, at the same time as others see that cigarette smoking alleviates nervousness and lessen them. Yet, nicotine increases the danger of heart ailment. Nevertheless, when a person smokes, he or she is taking in a lot more than nicotine. Smoke from a cigarette includes many other toxic chemicals, including tar and carbon monoxide. Tar is a sticky matter that accumulates in the lungs, causing lung cancer and respiratory pain. Carbon monoxide restricts the quantity of oxygen that the red blood cells can transmit all over the body. In addition, it may harm the internal walls of the arteries, which lets fats to increase in them. In addition to tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide, tobacco smoke contains numerous different chemicals. Most of them are considered to be deadly. Nonsmokers who are vulnerable to tobacco smoke also take in these poisonous chemicals. Cigarette smoking is considered as the major preventable source of death, contributing to the deaths of just about 430,700 Americans each year.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

Software Requirement Specifications

Software Requirement Specifications 2.1.1 Proposed Method Fig.2.1 Block Diagram of D.A.P.S It is dependent on core Harvard Architecture and ARM9263 choosing individual data and command buses. The ARM9 processor commands are accomplish by means of the five stage pipelining. The clock frequency of the ARM9263 processor is too high evaluated to ARM7 processor. ARM9263 processor might accomplish the instructions in a single clock cycle. This processor also chains gazelle equipment which supports java byte codes. Data acquisition processes, as the name consult to appliances and procedures utilized to accumulate the suggestions. In the most basic form, a technician working the temperature of a range on a section of paper is carrying out data acquire. Development has enhanced, this type of strategy has easy and produced more appropriate, important and effective through electronic apparatus. Data acquiring appliances serve as an significant point in a system. Data Acquisition strategy tying along a wide variety of appliances, such as detectors is used to show temperature, flow level and demand. Communication is depending on the information acquisition appliances, those appliances are interfaced with a device through the transmission port. The more frequently used communicating interface for the inadequate distances is RS-232. In RS-232 the correspondence is serial communication for one appliance to one computer by using communication port. The performance of the RS232 up to 115 K baud (bits per second).RS422 and 485 equally will have the capability to interact more distances with the numerous units. Two common parallel communication interfaces are generally the Centroid and IEEE-488. An analog to digital Converter is a device that can transfer the unbroken physical assortment to a digital number that symbolizes the quantitys shift. The substitution involves concerning quantizing of the input. It is appropriate to propose a small measure of error. An ADC performs the conversion (samples the input) occasionally. The consequences will be the sequence of digital values that have modified a continuous-time and continuous-amplitude analog signal to a discrete-time and the discrete-amplitude digital signal. An ADC is characterized by its bandwidth and its signal to noise. The DAPS cell is analyzed for negative ions recognition. The design RDX TNT are launched into the assortment, as a unique sample and incorporate sample. In equally the cases estimated result is described. The first condition of a DAPS system is a appropriate ion source. The source is usually a beta emitter. In a dry air system the ionic species generate are pre-dominantly N+2 or O+2Positive ions and O−2 negative ions. These ions are referred as reactant ions. When molecules of the illustration species are introduce into the ion source region these molecules will be interact with the reactant ions. A charge transfer will take place creating ions of the sample species. TNT will experience charge transfer reactions, TNT + A → TNT Â ± A, RDX will give the ion-molecule reactions with the reactant ions, RDX + A− → (RDX Â ± A). The abridged ion mobility time corresponds to the molecular weights of the addition compounds [RDX-O (H2O)] −,[RDX-O2]−. Therefore, the resultant IMS plasma gram of RDX contains 4 distinct peaks. These ionic species will move in the direction of the ion gate under the authority of the electric field. The polarity of the final controls, unstable substances form negative ions, most of the narcotics, like heroin and cocaine, form positive ions. In the float region the test ions move subordinate the determine of the utilized electric field. Because to the collision among the sample ions and the substance gas molecules, the interval will be proceeding counting on the mobility of the test ions. Ions with a greater mobility will travel the distance of the substance region in a shorter time. The mobility of the ions might count on their size, mass and shape of the ions. For the individual opening of the electronic gate, a produce of the electronic charge symbolizing assorted ionic species in the preview will arrive at the ion collector detached in time. The range of the ion current is consult to as a plasma gram. The ion mobility spectrometrys distinguished strength is the performance at which separations happen typically on the prescribe of tens of milliseconds. This ability combined with its convenience of use, very high sensitivity, and highly efficient design have authorized IMS as a commercialized product to be used as a schedule tool for the field recognition of explosives, drugs, and chemical weapons. Significant manufacturers of IMS testing devices utilized in airports are Morph and Smiths Awareness. The ion source in the submit IMS is depending on the corona discharge in aim to plane geometry. The happening chamber is created of Teflon cylinder with 50 mm inner diameter. A power in the form of parallel tungsten wires (diameter 100 Â µ m) with comparative distance of 1 mm signifies the plain electrode of the corona discharge. The detail electrode is made of tungsten wire (diameter 50 Â µ m) which is installed in a ceramic tube situated in the axis of the release chamber. The position of this tube is to hold the aim electrode in the demanded position and it also acts as a gas inlet. The range amongst the tip of the wire and the popular electrode can be modified by transferring the ceramic tube together the axis of the discharge chamber. In prescribe to accomplish the maximal ion present was the point to plane length varied in the range 3 12 mm. In the excellent corona the maximal current was discovered at 4 mm point to plane range and the ignition voltage was in the range 2-2. 5 kV. The optimum ion current is restricted by the recombination of ions on the plane electrode (corona grid). The proportion of the ions found by the grid to the ions that move the grid is proportional to the ratio E2/E1, where E1 is the strength of electric field in the move tube and E2 is the strength of electric field in the release chamber. The response region consists of several parallel electrodes, divided by Teflon seals. The extent of the reaction region can be diverse, based on number of used electrodes. The first electrode in the response region is particularly designed and its work is to avoid the dissemination of the test gas into the discharge chamber. Two ports for the gas recess and for the gas outlet are generating into this electrode. The majority of the electrodes have the requirement dimensions similar with the electrodes utilized in drift tube. An electric shutter network is placed at the end of the response region. The shutter grid is one of the most significant parts of the IMS. Its role is to keep the ions in response region and to inject the ions into the drift region. The grid is made of similar wires, located in one plane perpendicular to the axis of the spectrometer. The wires are on the electric potential , where VD is the potential of the drift tube at the place of the shutter, and is closing potential between adjacent wires. This potential creates an electric field perpendicular to the electric field formed by the drift tube. As the ions pursue electric field, they hit the grid wires and lose their charge due to recombination processes. If a short circuit is created between the grid wires then the electric potential of the wires is VD and there is no perpendicular electric field generated by the grid, the cover up is opened. The ions are able to enter the drift region. The generating of the secured grid might manage the resolution and understanding of the spectrometer. This is because of to the influence of the normal electric field to the float electric field. The important electric field immediate the grid is offered by deposition of these two fields. If the vertical field is to strong the gate diminution effect occurs. If the normal field is too weak, the quickly ions can go using into the drift location even if the gate is blocked. A constant position in the spectra is existential in this case. The adequate value of the shutter grid electric field is in the aspect from 1 to 10 of the electric field in the float tube. 2.2 Purpose The objective of these software requirement specifications is to capture the customer requirements both functional and non-functional for the project. This serves as the input for the Software Design Document. 2.2.1 Assumptions Connectivity between ADC board and AT91 board will be available. Continuous illustrations are coming from ADC and are stored on AT91 board memory. Porting the submission from one platform to another platform is potential with difficulties. Interfaces of LCD, TS (touch screen) are in the working condition. Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms 2.3 Ion mobility spectrometer data acquisition display unit IMS show unit conveys, analyses and demonstrates the wave and capabilities of explosive test created in the Drift tube sampler unit. Fig.2.2 Block diagram of IMS Unit Fig.2.3 IMS Unit Experimental layout Functional Description 1. As the unit is switched ON observe the Power LED (green) ON the front panel of the IMS display unit. 2. To calibrate the TFT TS LCD touch the dot sequence will be appearing on the Screen. 3. Touch the CAPT button to start sampling of explosive material placed in sampler. 4. Although the selections of the explosive information are being accumulated and came out, when the examples collection is more than and notice the bursting material recognized in Red colour combined with buzzer move and majority of all other components in green. (In the understanding software will do assessment of data recorded with the accumulated explosive library to understand the occurrence of explosive in the design introduced. If explosive is recognized, software estimate drift-time. If the data grabbed matches with any of the bursting library, the individual explosive screen will modification RED from GREEN. With screen proceeding RED, it’s an evidence of occurrence of explosive and the buzzer will blow. To stop the buzzer audio push CLRB button. 5. To view the wave and characteristics of the material detected touch the material appeared in Red color. Zoom option is provided to view the graph clearly by touching Zoom button. 6. To navigate from any page to main page touch on Menu button. Data acquisition is the process of sampling the signals that to measure real world physical conditions and converting the resulting samples into digital numeric values. These values can be manipulated by the computer. Data acquisition systems typically convert the analog waveforms into digital values for their processing. The components of data acquisition systems include: The Sensors that they will convert the physical parameters to the electrical Signals. A Signal conditioning circuitry is used to convert the sensor signals into a form that can be converting to the digital values. Analog-to-digital converters, which converts the conditioned sensor signals to digital values The Data acquisition and processing samples of explosives represents the detection of explosive materials like TNT, RDX, NACRO etc. it is generally called as Ion-Mobility Spectrometer .It is used to detect the explosives based on the drift velocity of the generated ions. Drift tube generates the ions from the samples placed. Based on the drift velocity of the ions, generated current will vary. As Drift tube output is connected to the pre-amplifier, the drift tube output voltage in turn depends on the drift velocity of samples. The pre amplifier output is connected to the ADC board (THS1206), which is integrated with the ARM board (AT91SAM9263). ADC converts the continuous analog signal to discrete Digital values. DAPS appropriate the output voltage of the pre amplifier utilizing ADC, depending on the peak appreciate of the accumulated ADC sample data, move time is calculated. Drift Time chosen by the pattern is opposed with the obtainable library data. If the move time utilized by the sample complements with any of the move time values chosen in the library, alarm will be round and the name of the sudden detected is exhibited along with the Attributes like ADC peak voltage benefits (in volts) time (in milliseconds). The Complete unit kept in a big chamber and that is having high voltage power supply.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Child soldiers: The role of children in armed conflict Essay

There are hundreds of thousands of children from all over the world who are forced and recruited into paramilitaries, civil militia, government armed forces and other armed groups. This situation is particularly common in Africa and Arabic countries which are constantly in war. In such countries the rate of insecurity is usually so high that the children cannot go school and as a result they voluntarily join the militia groups since it is the only activity they can actively be involved in. Some children are born and they experience the war from tender age, as a result war becomes part of them. In other cases the children are forcefully recruited and trained to be militia men. Thousands of children recruited are abducted from home, streets and schools. Other self recruits do it out of revenge they watched their family members being murdered in cold blood and others being raped and the anger makes them to join the army and militia group t seek revenge for their loved ones(Wessells, 456 ). In the international law, the involvement and participation of children under eighteen years old in an armed conflict is totally unacceptable and prohibited. At the same time the recruitment of those under 15 is regarded as a war crime. Such children have their child hood robbed of and they are exposed to physical and psychological suffering and terrible danger. They are often placed in the combat situation used as messengers, spies, porters, servants to clear and lay the landmines. This is usually dangerous to their lives as in most cases they are usually incompetent and highly disadvantaged compared to the other experienced trained older soldiers. During confrontation they are in most cases put in the front line and they end up being killed the most. The girls in such cases are usually subject to sexual child abuse and rape (Shepler, 165). The war and militia group encounter usually has adverse psychological impacts on the children. They witness and participate in a lot of killings and other inhuman acts which affect their psychological well being. Others run into depression and post traumatic stress because of being exposed to too much human blood. They usually find it hard to erase the sad and inhuman moments from their minds. They witness their colleagues being murdered in the war and they also killed people and these scenes keep flushing in their mind. If such victims don’t find urgent medical and professional help they die from stress and depression related ailments. Others end up committing suicide because of the traumatizing encounters and experiences (Klasen et al, 345). In Somalia for example the children have been denied the access to education. The children are exposed to high level of poverty they are forced to join the militia group so that they can protect themselves. The al-Shabab have denied access to aid thus enhancing the humanitarian crisis. The education has been paralyzed in the country because schools are destroyed in the wars and others are used as hide outs and training ground for the militia men. The children and teachers cant risk going to school because they might be abducted or killed. This situation has caused thousands of children to flee in the neighboring countries such as Djibouti and Kenya as refugees where they face hard living conditions in the camps. The Al-Shabab armed group has imposed restrictions on the freedom and right to education. They prevent some subjects from being taught in school and they use the operating schools to indoctrinate children into taking part in the wars and fighting. The armed group use threaten ing recruitment methods and in some cases they lure the children promising them money and phones if they join them (kohrt et al, 188). Children are used as soldiers they are easier to brainwash and condition. They are easily manipulated and convinced as opposed to the elderly people. They eat less food and they are underpaid. They have underdeveloped sense of danger and as a result they are easier to command In the line of fire. The children are also uniquely vulnerable to recruitment because of their physical and emotional immaturity. They are easily drawn and convinced into violence and wars that they are too young to understand and resist. The recruited children usually find it hard to go back home to their communities and families as they are ostracized from them. They are usually forced to kill a neighbor or family member so that they can’t go back home. For the female child soldiers, many have babies with the rebel soldiers and such children can’t be accepted in their homes making it difficult for them to return home (Achvarina, 132). Since 2001 child soldiers participation in militia activities has been reported in twenty one recent or ongoing armed conflicts in different regions of the world. The advancement in technology in the proliferation of small arms and weaponry has also contributed a great deal to the increased recruitment of child soldiers. The lightweight automatic guns and other weapons are simple and easy to operate, they are easily accessible and they can be used by the children. The guns are more portable and easy to use this provision makes it possible for children to be recruited in the armed activities (Rosen, 345). The children are also more likely to be recruited because of the separation from their families, high poverty levels displacement from homes, having limited access to education or living in a combat zone. Some children have parents who are both soldiers and they are born in the war area. Such children are almost naturally recruited as they don’t find it hard joining and participating in the war. Many children join the militia groups because of social and economic pressure that they are exposed to. others believe that the armed group will offer security and food. In some countries like Uganda, Sri Lanka and Nepal more of the child soldiers are reported to be girls. They are often raped and forced to be wives of the elderly soldiers. This is inhuman as it prevents the girl child from getting her rights and freedoms (Honwana, 287). The former child soldiers should have adequate access to rehabilitation programs which will help them relocate back to their families or get back to school. They should not be treated as outcasts but instead they should receive vocational training in order to have an easy time re entering the civilian life. If the children lack this support they can easily be recruited back to the armed groups because they will find it hard to cope up and blend in the normal society after their extreme experiences with the guns. It is the responsibility of every government to ensure that children safety and rights are safeguarded. The governments should protect all children from being recruited in the militia activities. They should prohibit forced recruitment of children of children under eighteen years old (Bayer et al, 254). References Cohn, Ilene, and Guy S. Goodwin-Gill. Child soldiers: The role of children in armed conflict. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2004. Wessells, Michael G. Child soldiers: From violence to protection. Harvard University Press, 2006.Honwana, Alcinda. Child soldiers in Africa. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011.Rosen, David M. Armies of the young: Child soldiers in war and terrorism. Rutgers University Press, 2005.Kohrt, Brandon A., et al. â€Å"Comparison of mental health between former child soldiers and children never conscripted by armed groups in Nepal.† Jama 300.6 (2008): 691-702. Bayer, Christophe Pierre, Fionna Klasen, and Hubertus Adam. â€Å"Association of trauma and PTSD symptoms with openness to reconciliation and feelings of revenge among former Ugandan and Congolese child soldiers.† Jama 298.5 (2007): 555-559. Klasen, Fionna, et al. â€Å"Posttraumatic resilience in former Ugandan child soldiers.† Child development 81.4 (2010): 1096-1113. Rosen, David M. â€Å"Child soldiers, international humanitarian law, and the globalization of childhood.† American anthropologist 109.2 (2007): 296-306. Shepler, Susan. â€Å"The rites of the child: Global discourses of youth and reintegrating child soldiers in Sierra Leone.† Journal of Human Rights 4.2 (2005): 197-211. Achvarina, Vera, and Simon F. Reich. â€Å"No Place to Hide: Refugees, displaced persons, and the recruitment of child soldiers.† International Security 31.1 (2006): 127-164. Source document

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Cloud-computing services provide Essay

1. What business benefits do cloud-computing services provide? What problems do they solve? There are many benefits to cloud computing. Businesses of all sizes have the ability to take advantage of these and often find the costs within their individual budgets. Cloud computing environments are able to run on existing infrastructures, which makes the switch to cloud computing minimal from this aspect. Costs are incurred based on the amount of computing power they actually consume. (Laudon & Laudon, 2014) In addition this type of environment enables businesses to scale their needs on an as-needed basis, which helps to keep costs within budgets. Another benefit is the ability to respond quickly due to the portability of the application. With cloud computing businesses have the flexibility in how they utilize applications; this results in better turn around on information as employees have the ability to gain access to data and applications from anywhere. Cloud computing can assist in solving problems such as reducing costs. Since there is no need for additional equipment budgeting dollars can be spent elsewhere. In addition, with much of the infrastructure in the cloud the need for additional IT employees is eliminated. There is no additional need for support and maintenance on hardware and software with cloud computing. Cloud computing solves many problems such as reducing costs, improving efficiencies, providing additional sources for customers, and providing remote access for employees. Examples given in the case study included Zynga – a gaming platform offered on Facebook. When Zynga comes out with a new game, they have no knowledge of the amount of computing power they will need. They are better able to adjust this based on the popularity of any given game via cloud computing. The reliability of cloud computing for them equals revenue. Many other companies have benefited from cloud computing, it enables them to promote and sustain additional Internet traffic without crashing their internal systems. 2. What are the disadvantages of cloud computing? There are some disadvantages as well. The responsibility of storage is in the hands of the provider. This presents potential security risks as users can upload and download information from cloud computing and potentially use it to perform illegal tasks. (I think of the Target issue in November, whereby thousands of consumer’s information was breached.) Since the software applications depend on the provider to manage and support there is also risk if the site were to go down. The customers are dependent on the provider to find and fix the problem in a timely manner. No business wants their system to be down for an indefinite amount of time especially those that seek to gain revenue. Businesses are also reliant on the provider performing the appropriate updates to systems. As with any information switch there is potential for errors to occur. I believe one such occurrence happened recently with an airline company. The rates were entered incorrectly, which cost the airline a lot of money. There is always potential for errors or â€Å"fat fingers† as it is known. Overall the disadvantages are reliability and security. 3. How do the concepts of capacity planning, scalability, and TCO apply to this case? Apply these concepts to both Amazon and to subscribers of their services. Capacity planning is the process of determining the production capacity needed by any given organization to meet the needs of the products being promoted. Scalability is the ability to process and handle a growing amount of need and the ability to accommodate this type of growth. The total cost of ownership (TCO) is a financial estimate intended to help buyers and owners determine the direct and indirect costs of a product or system. (Laudon & Laudon, 2014) The concepts of these apply to the case. Cloud computing uses planning, scalability, and TCO. Amazon is one of the biggest online retailers in the world (I think I personally help them to achieve this ranking), this means they need to provide hardware capacity planning and scalability not just for  themselves, but for their subscribers as well. If they overestimate their needs they risk financial losses, and if they underestimate they run the risk of creating shortages for their own business needs as well as subscribers. As subscribers, if they run into non-availability too often they will lose faith in the ability of Amazon to manager their services and seek out other vendors – again causing potential losses to them as a company. Estimating the scalability for a large diverse consumer base without over or underestimating is difficult, but crucial for their continued success. Amazon has to take on the total TCO of its services, while at the same time ensuring it can maintain profitability. The services subscribers’ benefit from not having to be concerned with these issues and not bearing the brunt of TCO issues. 4. What kinds of businesses are most likely to benefit from using cloud computing? Why? While all businesses can benefit from using cloud computing, it is perhaps more beneficial for those smaller businesses, especially from a budgetary aspect. For smaller businesses they don’t have pre-existing data that needs to be transferred and are able to start their operations directly on the cloud. The ability to scale their operations is another great advantage. As their business grows so can their computing abilities with minimal capital expenditure. The cloud allows these smaller business owners to somewhat level the playing field with those larger companies who often maintain larger IT assets. It is a financially viable solution that doesn’t require large capital expenditures for servers, IT teams, and data system infrastructures. For these larger companies the cost savings are not as easily determined. Many already have â€Å"huge investments in complex proprietary systems supporting unique business processes, some of which have given them strategic advantages.† (Laudon & Laudon, 2014)

Friday, November 8, 2019

Events that occurred on June 20, 1981 essays

Events that occurred on June 20, 1981 essays The America of the early 1980s was characterized by concerns relating to the Cold War. On June 21, 1981, for example, the Soviet Union launched a research satellite to dock with the Salyut 6 space laboratory. Though ostensibly for research purposes, the thought of a permanent orbiting Soviet station in space raised concern in the United States regarding Soviet technology ("Soviet Plans Big Orbiting Station"). This growing concern over the harmful potential of foreign technology was also evident in the American interest in the first Arab nuclear conference that just concluded in Damascus, Syria. The conference ended with an agreement to establish nuclear power stations in Arab countries. This conference marked the first foray of Arab nations into nuclear technology ("Arab Nations Set Up Group to Promote Nuclear Power"). Domestically, the United States was further being buffeted by labor disputes. The Air Control Union agreed to delay a scheduled walkout, but continued to agitate for more benefits for its members. The threatened strike caused a great deal of public worry, since a strike by air traffic controllers would disrupt nationwide air travel (Witkin). In addition to the threatened air traffic strike, many Americans were also dealing with the loss of the nation's pastime. Baseball players continued to be on strike, and relations between both sides deteriorated further after failed talks. The resulting delay in the start of baseball season added to the somber air permeating the country. Perhaps partly because of this uncertainty, people turned to the movies and television for entertainment. The most popular programs were comedies, including the hit movie "Cannonball Run" and programs such as "Eight is Enough." Game shows like "The Price is Right" and "The $100,000 Name that Tune" were also popular primetime choices. Such programming ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Moon

The Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth: orbit: 384,400 km from Earth diameter: 3476 km mass: 7.35e22 kg Called Luna by the Romans, Selene and Artemis by the Greeks, and many other names in other mythologies. The Moon, of course, has been known since prehistoric times. It is the second brightest object in the sky after the Sun. As the Moon orbits around the Earth once per month, the angle between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun changes; we see this as the cycle of the Moon's phases. The time between successive new moons is 29.5 days (709 hours), slightly different from the Moon's orbital period (measured against the stars) since the Earth moves a significant distance in its orbit around the Sun in that time. Due to its size and composition, the Moon is sometimes classified as a terrestrial "planet" along with Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The Moon was first visited by the Soviet spacecraft Luna 2 in 1959. It is the only extraterrestrial body to have been visited by h! umans. The first landing was on July 20, 1969 (do you remember where you were?); the last was in December 1972. The Moon is also the only body from which samples have been returned to Earth. In the summer of 1994, the Moon was very extensively mapped by the little spacecraft Clementine and again in 1999 by Lunar Prospector. The gravitational forces between the Earth and the Moon cause some interesting effects. The most obvious is the tides. The Moon's gravitational attraction is stronger on the side of the Earth nearest to the Moon and weaker on the opposite side. Since the Earth, and particularly the oceans, is not perfectly rigid it is stretched out along the line toward the Moon. From our perspective on the Earth's surface we see two small bulges, one in the direction of the Moon and one directly opposite. The effect is much stronger in the ocean water than in the solid crust so the water bulges are higher. And because the Earth rotates much faster than the M... Free Essays on Moon Free Essays on Moon The Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth: orbit: 384,400 km from Earth diameter: 3476 km mass: 7.35e22 kg Called Luna by the Romans, Selene and Artemis by the Greeks, and many other names in other mythologies. The Moon, of course, has been known since prehistoric times. It is the second brightest object in the sky after the Sun. As the Moon orbits around the Earth once per month, the angle between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun changes; we see this as the cycle of the Moon's phases. The time between successive new moons is 29.5 days (709 hours), slightly different from the Moon's orbital period (measured against the stars) since the Earth moves a significant distance in its orbit around the Sun in that time. Due to its size and composition, the Moon is sometimes classified as a terrestrial "planet" along with Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The Moon was first visited by the Soviet spacecraft Luna 2 in 1959. It is the only extraterrestrial body to have been visited by h! umans. The first landing was on July 20, 1969 (do you remember where you were?); the last was in December 1972. The Moon is also the only body from which samples have been returned to Earth. In the summer of 1994, the Moon was very extensively mapped by the little spacecraft Clementine and again in 1999 by Lunar Prospector. The gravitational forces between the Earth and the Moon cause some interesting effects. The most obvious is the tides. The Moon's gravitational attraction is stronger on the side of the Earth nearest to the Moon and weaker on the opposite side. Since the Earth, and particularly the oceans, is not perfectly rigid it is stretched out along the line toward the Moon. From our perspective on the Earth's surface we see two small bulges, one in the direction of the Moon and one directly opposite. The effect is much stronger in the ocean water than in the solid crust so the water bulges are higher. And because the Earth rotates much faster than the M...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

MANAGING FINANCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

MANAGING FINANCE - Essay Example Financial analyses of the company reveal that though liquidity position of the company is good to meet short term obligations, but its earning powers, and efficiency to collect receivables and inventory turnover is much below the industry standards. It is suggestible that the company should make capital in investment in machine costing $3 million in order to make cash savings in cost of sales on the basis of in depth analysis of investment made as per payback and NPV methods of capital expenditure budgeting. The aim of any pricing strategy is to cover the costs involved in the project and earn desirable profit. Costs in any project can be traced as direct or indirect costs. Direct costs are those that are easily traceable by the management to specific items like direct material and direct labour for specific product. Whereas Indirect costs are common to many items and cannot be traces to any specific item or area. Indirect costs are charged to item on basis of certain allocation techniques. Again from the point of production the costs are either prime costs or conversion costs. Prime costs are direct material and direct labour costs and these are directly related to production. Conversion costs are related to transforming direct material into finished goods and these include direct labour and factory overheads. Costs further changes with volume of production. On basis of relationship to volume costs are either fixed costs, variable costs or mixed costs. Fixed costs remain constant over a relevant range of volume or output. Variable costs are assumed to change in direct proportion to changes in volume/ output. Mixed costs contain both fixed and variable attributes, and may be semi variable costs and step costs. Semi- variable costs usually represent a minimum fee for making a particular product or service available, and variable portion is cost for using

Friday, November 1, 2019

Burberry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Burberry - Essay Example It also has a prominent base of goods made of leather and beauty products in the world. Burberry has a well diversified business model through which it sells apparel, accessories. It has well spread network of Retail, wholesale and licensing and it operates mainly in Asia Pacific, USA and European region but also has stores in rest of the world. In case of product diversification it has a rich source of women, men and children’s apparel and accessories and beauty products. The group operates into different functional areas like designing and marketing of its apparel, store architecture, supply chain management, IT, HR, Corporate affairs and strategy and finance section. For the financial year 2012-2013 its retail sales have earned 71% of total revenue and wholesale has earned 24%. Burberry has made a transition in its make-up and fragrance business by transferring it into direct operating structure. an online store of the group delivers it services to more than 10 0 countries in the world and further expansion of 84 more retail stores. Burberry is the most preferred luxury brand with more than 15 million fans on Facebook. It is also expanding its business in Middle East countries and has been listed as Top 100 Global Brands for consecutive four years by Interbrand (Burberry, 2013, pp. 17-26). Question 2. According to the auditor’s report of Burberry PLC, it was prepared by following the rules of IFRSs as adopted by EU. The report includes opinions which were prepared for the members of the company as per Companies act 2006. Auditors have analyzed all financial and non financial information of the company to identify whether it has any material misstatements with audited financial statements. Auditor’s report has given some opinion about the group’s financial statement that it has got a true view of the group’s profit and cash flows for the financial year 2013 and it was prepared as per the requirements of Companies Act 2006. Auditor’s report also has some matters like it has identified that director’s remuneration in some cases was not abide by law and auditors didn’t receive all the information they required for audit. Auditors need to review the director’s statement and the corporate governance statement which relates to the company’s agreement with nine provisions in UK. Auditor’s report has some advantages related to financial information like it provides the true view of the company’s financial statements. It also identifies the material misstatements or frauds in the financial statements prepared by the company. It also indicates the areas on which the company can improve it and evaluates the strength and weaknesses of the company. It analyzes the firm’s financial data and helps the investors by giving them the clear picture about the financial position of the company. Question 3. Profitability 2013 2012 % change ROE 0.24 0.30 -0.1 8 Gross Profit Margin 0.72 0.70 0.03 Net Profit Margin 0.13 0.14 -0.10 Profitability Ratio:- Profitability Ratio can be defined as financial a tool which is used to justify a company’s ability to generate revenue which is compared to the business’s expenses and other operational costs which are incurred during a specific time period and are compared to the same ratio of previous period. If the ratios are higher then it indicates that the company is doing well (Thukaram, 2007, p.99). From the above table we can see that Return on Equity for

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Safe Sex Communication for Young People in China Essay

Safe Sex Communication for Young People in China - Essay Example Sheeran, Abraham, & Orbell (1999) and a meta- analysis by Noar, Carlyle, & Cole (2006) found communication about condom use, which can be the most effective way for sexually active individuals to protect themselves from STDs including HIV, to be the strongest predictor of condom use. China is suffering one of the fastest growing of HIV epidemics in the world, with an annual 30% increase (Webber, 2007). Among the reported HIV infections, about 81% were young people between the ages of 20-39 (Qi, 2002). One primary factor fueling the spread of HIV is the increase in unsafe sexual behaviors. Hence it is vital to encourage the Chinese young population to engage in communication about safe sex and condom use. In this study, two theories that have been used to explore safe sex communication successfully in the US will be examined from the perspective of the young Chinese population: the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) developed by Ajzen (1991), and the Information Motivation Behavioral Skills Model (IMB) developed by Fisher and Fisher (1992). The determination will be made of how they could be used to successfully the young Chinese population to engage in more active safe sex communication and condom use. This paper begins with an overview of the... g this, the Information-Motivation-Behavior Skills Model (IMB), suggesting that information, motivation and behavioral skills are the three essential factors in achieving behavior change, will be examined. Finally, the application of the two theories to the young Chinese population in terms of safer sex communication and condom use will be presented. They will be compared and contrasted, and recommendations regarding the effective use of the two theories in Chinese young population will be offered. An evaluation of 10 million Chinese people will be infected with HIV by 2010 in the absence of effective preventions (UNAIDS, 2004). However, few studies have investigated safer sex behavior among the young Chinese population. Of the limited studies in this area, results indicate that it is largely uncommon to conduct safer sex behaviors, and the use of condom remains consistently low (Wong & Tang, 2001). For instance, among a total of 455 surveyed Chinese college students in Hong Kong, 24% were sexually active while only 38.2% of them using condom regularly during the year (Wong & Tang, 2001). In another study, only 14.4% of the subjects were found using condoms regularly during sex intercourse, while almost 30% (28%) had never or almost never used condoms (Wang, & Zhang, 2002). Cottrell et al. (2005), which investigated Chinese college student's sexual and HIV knowledge, found that less than half of the student (43%) had used a condom the last time they had sex. Condom use, however , was found to be the only reliable method of protection for STD/HIV for those who are sexually active (Bryan, Fisher, & Fisher, 2002). Researchers have found that consistent and correct condom use can reduce the rate of HIV transmission by 87% (Bobrova, Sergeev, Grechukina, & Kapiga,

Monday, October 28, 2019

University Education Is Necessary Essay Example for Free

University Education Is Necessary Essay According to Casse and Banahan (2007), the different approaches to training and development need to be explored. It has come to their attention by their own preferred model and through experience with large Organisations. The current traditional training continuously facing the challenges in the selection of the employees, in maintaining the uncertainty related to the purpose and in introducing new tactics for the environment of work and by recognizing this, they advising on all the problems, which reiterates the requirement for flexible approach. Usually the anagers have the choice to select the best training and development programme for their staff but they always have to bear in mind that to increase their chances of achieve the target they must follow the five points highlighted by Miller and Desmarais (2007). According to Davenport (2006), mentioned in his recent studies that its easy to implement strategy with the internet supported software. Some of the Training theories can be effective immediately on the future of the skill and developments. The content and the access are the actual factors for the process. It is a representation itself by the Access on main aspect what is effective to the adopted practice in training development. As per the recent theories to access the knowledge is changing from substantial in the traditional to deliver the knowledge for the virtual forms to use the new meaning of information with electronic learning use. Every organization needs to have well trained and experienced people to perform the activities that have to be done. If the current or potential Job occupant can meet this requirements, training is not imparting. But when this is not the case, it is necessary to raise the skill levels and increase the versatility and adaptability of employees. Inadequate Job performance or a decline in productivity or changes resulting out of job redesigning or a technological break through require some type of training and development efforts. As the Jobs become more complex, the importance of employee development also increases. In a rapidly changing society, employee training and development or not only an activity that is desirable but also an activity that an rganization must commit resources or to if it is to maintain a viable and knowledgeable workforce. Training, education, and development are three terms frequently used. On the face of it, there might not appear any difference between them, but when a deep thought is given, there appear some differences between them. In all training there is some education and in all education there is some training and the two process cannot be separated from development. Edwin flippo Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular Job.